The greatest trick of all in mIRC isn't found in any menu, any help file, or any Easter egg conceived in the mind of Khaled Mardam-Bey. It might take you only a few minutes to find it, and it may take you years to find it. But you will discover it eventually, and you'll find it written everywhere you look once you see it for the first time.
It is the trick you play on yourself thinking that IRC is a replacement for real life.
Life is to be seen, heard, breathed, and felt. There is no /love or /feel command you can script or CTCP Send to someone. You can sit on #houston and #china and #paris and the #moon for all you want, but your ass will bubble with blisters from the chair you rot on day after day. The most exquisite emoticon invented pales #ffffff in comparison to the beauty and charm of the simplest smile of everyone, anyone, and someone special.
Go outside. Feel the grass. Live.
1.Type /exit or /quit 2.Rejoice!
But I'm not an addict!
Keep a log of your online activies. Keep another log of your outside activities, planned and performed. How many of those activites were passed over or delayed because of your obsession? How much ground have you lost in the battle for your mortal soul?
Are you being assimilated?
Make a list of all the things that you want to do with your life. Figure out your priorities and goals, and what it takes to achieve them. Estimate the amount of time that each will take every day, and how long it will take to achieve that goal.
Not much time in your "relaxation time" for IRC, is there?
del c:\mirc\*.* doesn't sound so bad now, does it?